Korean nationals who have received their doctoral degrees by Korean universities are eligible to apply for postdoctoral fellowships. Biannually, the National Research Foundation of Korea provides funding for up to 24 months.   

kim © IIASA

Applications are currently closed please keep checking our website for updates on a future call. 



1) Candidates are required to develop and submit a research proposal that interfaces their own research interests with the research agenda of one of the various activities pursued at IIASA. 

Please browse the IIASA Program areas to identify the research group of your choice. 
Once you have formulated a proposal we encourage you to contact the relevant program representatives.

We suggest to look at the application form, frame the proposed according to the questions there, and then send an introductory e-mail. This is vital, not only to discuss research ideas and ascertain their relevance to IIASA but also to ensure more realistic research plans and expectations on the part of both IIASA and the applicant. 

2) Candidates should have held their PhD for less than five years at the application deadline. However, eligibility is extended under the following circumstances.

3) IIASA does not do lab-type research and therefore has no labs. Also please note that the fellowship requires you to be present at IIASA; please do not apply if you need to stay away from the institute for you research, or expect IIASA to fund field research.

4) Before applying please also have a look at our postdoctoral fellowship guidelines.

5) IIASA selection criteria:

  • Quality of the research
  • Novelty of the research
  • Candidate's merits
  • Cross-cutting potential

General questions should be directed to [email protected]


For questions related to the NRF Korea application procedure please contact:

NRF International Exchange Programs Team

 Jihee Hong(Ms.) / Researcher

 25, Heolleung-ro, Seocho_gu, Seoul 06792, Korea

 Telephone : 02 3460 5683, Fax : 02 3460 5679

 e-mail : [email protected]


Previous fellows:

Younha_Kim © IIASA
Younha Kim

Younha Kim research focuses on climate change and air pollution; specifically on the 'Assessment of air quality improvement policy'. More

Kim_Moonil © IIASA
Moonil Kim

Moonil Kim uses modeling and simulation to build the optimal forest management strategies with BECCS/U system considering Balancing Ecology and Economy in Forestry. More

Park © IIASA
Chulwook Park

Chulwook Park is researching the invariant properties of biological patterns in an ecological context through Systems Dynamics. More