Monika Bauer
Liaison and Partnership Officer
Communications and External Relations Department
Monika Bauer builds partnerships within the IIASA network, which includes staff, alumni, and National and Regional Member Organization (NMO/RMO) communities. She acts as a knowledge broker and liaison between IIASA and these stakeholders. She conceptualized and launched IIASA Connect, a virtual platform that brings together the global systems analysis network and is currently responsible for the strategic development of the platform. Within this space, she has launched two event series that bring together colleagues from across the IIASA network for meaningful exchange on topics that span research disciplines. She is also interested in science to society and science communication.From March to December 2023, she is also managing a horizon scanning project on climate change and biodiversity science to advise on the Horizon Europe Work Program for the last three years on behalf of Future Earth via the Future Earth US Global Hub.
Last update: 13 APR 2023