The COVID-19 pandemic is already proving transformational to the global world order. As societies recover from the tragic losses, there is apprehension about the ongoing economic reconfigurations that will continue to shape our lives for a long time. Amidst these changes, what prospects lie ahead for Eurasia and its people, and how can this region collaborate towards a more resilient and more sustainable future?

The Budapest Eurasia Forum 2021 E-Conference is the second conference as part of the annual conference series initiated by the National Bank of Hungary, Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), in 2019. This time, the conference, themed “Sustainable Recovery and Prosperity in Eurasia – Trends, Future, Solutions”, discussed various topics centered around the capabilities and cooperations of Eurasia in this era of geopolitical, environmental, and technological change.

The event began with opening remarks by György H Matolcsy, Governor of MNB, and over two days, it welcomed renowned academics and experts including Dániel Palotai, Executive Director, IMF; Gang YI, Governor, People’s Bank of China; Alexander Morozov, Director, Research and Forecasting Department, Bank of Russia; and Yang Su Park, Director General, Economic Research Institute, Bank of Korea.

The conference invited the participation of IIASA, represented by Elena Rovenskaya, Program Director of Advancing Systems Analysis. Rovenskaya moderated the second panel discussion GEOPOLITICS: The New Era of Geopolitics in Eurasia. She presented questions to esteemed panelists on the current trends and plausible futures for Eurasian countries and prospects for science diplomacy within the region. Rovenskaya also raised topics on the increasing strategic importance of Central Asia and on the risks of globalization such as the ripple economic effects which arose from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The conference offered a valuable platform for reflecting on geopolitical transformations and highlighted how shifts in multilateral relations will drive the future of Central and Eastern Europe on the global stage.

To watch the recorded sessions of the Budapest Eurasia Forum E-Conference 2021, click here.

To read more about the Forum of 2020, click here.

To read about IIASA’s previous participation, click here.


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