POPJUS researchers contributed with their pioneering work on new measures of aging, healthy life expectancy, and a well-being indicator to measure the quality of life to the Fact Sheet Longevity, Health, Well-being recently published by Wittgenstein Centre.

Demographic developments in Europe today are characterized by aging populations.Fewer children are being born and at the same time people are living longer. However, this demographic change does not necessarily mean more problems. The consequences of this process depend strongly on people’s health status. According to the World Health Organization, health is central to the happiness and well-being of people and crucial for economic progress, since healthy populations live longer and are more productive. Improving the health of a population is therefore one of the most important and effective ways to cope with the challenges of aging societies.



05 March 2025

Project UPSTArt: Understanding Perceptions on Sustainability Transitions - from empirical research to participative Art-based approaches

The UPSTArt project is an innovative initiative aimed at exploring citizens' perceptions of climate change and sustainability transitions through a unique blend of empirical research and participatory art-based approaches.

05 March 2025

Co-creating a stakeholder-oriented climate risk service in Austria

IIASA, as a project partner, developed and applied a co-creation methodology to identify the key issues and requirements of a drought climate risk service for Austria, together with stakeholders from relevant disciplines. IIASA also led the development of a handbook on the co-creation methodology, documenting the lessons learned and recommendations for future projects beyond the scope of the project.  
Master Global Demography

25 February 2025

Master Programme "Global Demography" at the University of Vienna

The Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna) will start Master's Programme "Global Demography" at the University of Vienna with its fifth cohort of students in October 2025.