We are delighted to announce and extend our warmest congratulations to IIASA Emeritus Research Scholar Nebojsa Nakicenovic on his appointment as a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS).

Picture of Nebosja Nakicenovic © IIASA

WAAS is committed to advancing global civilization, promoting human welfare, and fostering world order, peace, and sustainable development while upholding human dignity. It achieves these aims through transdisciplinary studies, operational projects, appraisals, and recommendations framed from an integrated, global perspective. The academy also serves as a transnational forum for the interdisciplinary discussion of art, science, and the social consequences and policy implications of knowledge.

Over the past decade, WAAS has worked diligently to forge transdisciplinary, integrated, human-centered perspectives and strategies to tackle pressing global challenges. One of its significant recent developments has been the formal collaboration with the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS) for the global campaign on Human Security for All (HS4A) launched in October 2022.

This prestigious recognition is a testament to Nakicenovic’s exceptional contributions to the fields of energy economics, climate change, and sustainable development. As a Fellow of WAAS, he will have a pivotal role in contributing his expertise and insights to advance the goals of the academy and its initiatives, including the HS4A campaign. His involvement with The World in 2050 (TWI2050) initiative at IIASA, the United Nations, and several other distinguished organizations underscores his deep commitment to sustainable development and energy solutions for a better future. His extensive experience and leadership roles in various scientific and advisory boards further attest to his dedication to addressing global challenges.

In his role as a Fellow, Nakicenovic will be actively participating in conferences, research projects, and other programs. His contributions will also extend to publishing articles related to the academy's projects and events, serving on committees, fundraising, and promoting the programs and policies of WAAS.

IIASA once again wholeheartedly congratulates Nebojsa Nakicenovic on his election as a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science.


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