Representatives from science, business, civil society and politics joined the launch event of KONTEXT institute in Vienna - an independent organization engaging with climate challenges. IIASA Director General John Schellnhuber was one of the keynote speakers at the event. 

Schellnhuber spoke with inspiring words about how we can adequately address the greatest risks of our time. Although much is known about the climate crisis and its solutions, there is a growing cognitive dissonance in society that prevents people from acting with a long-term perspective. This gap between what is necessary and what seems feasible needs dialogue, education, transparency and an indication of possibilities.

His speech was followed by an introduction of the institute by the initiators Katharina Rogenhofer, Tina German, and Florian Maringer. In response to the major challenges, KONTEXT wants to offer climate policy classification, counteract disinformation, and thus also give decision makers tools to implement changes.

More information and photos of the event: (in German)


John Schellnhuber lecture

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USA flag

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