IIASA, as a longstanding partner of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), has been granted consultative status by the UNIDO Industrial Development Board.

To acknowledge the important results of previous cooperation and with a view on bring collaboration to a new level, the UNIDO Industrial Development Board, on recommendation of the UNIDO Director General, approved the decision to grant IIASA consultative status.

This status allows IIASA delegates to participate in the meetings of UNIDO’s main policymaking organs: the General Conference (comprising all UNIDO member states) and the Industrial Development Board (comprising 53 elected UNIDO member states), and to contribute scientific insight to their deliberations. In this way, IIASA can enhance the impact of its research on shaping evidence-based decision-making processes by UNIDO Member States.

IIASA has a long history of productive collaborations with UNIDO in a diverse range of areas, focusing on important issues like poverty reduction, inclusive globalization, and environmental sustainability, among others.

IIASA and UNIDO have worked together on the acceleration of inclusive and sustainable industrialization; the development of tools and capacity to support the sustainable management of water, energy, and land through an integrated nexus approach; strengthening knowledge and institutions and advancing economic competitiveness; and addressing the climate and health emergencies.

Apart from the ability to engage directly with UNIDO Departments on matters of mutual interest, IIASA now also has access to a large UNIDO network of collaborators and partners, thus maximizing development efforts.


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