Where are the best places for a romantic date? Where can you skate? Where is it cool on a hot summer's day? Find the perfect places to spend the day and share them with the City Oases App!

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Open urban spaces can be used in many ways. Using the CityOases app, users can pick an activity and the app will show these locations on a map, including the rating of previous users and pictures from that location. If users then visit a spot, they can use the app to further rate these locations and activities. This includes whether users feel safe at a location, whether it is noisy or clean, or if the assets such as park benches are attractive and in good condition.

By using the CityOases app, the database and usage of open urban spaces can be improved, which can help city planners to make the city even more liveable.

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CityOases was developed as part of a pilot study coordinated by IIASA within the Landsense project, funded by the EU Commission under Horizon 2020 to develop innovative citizen science observatories for land use and land cover monitoring. CityOases was intended to stimulate civic engagement to monitor changes within the urban environment and enable users to drive improvement by providing city planners with information about the public perception of urban spaces.


Moorthy, I., See, L. , Batič, M., Matheus, A., Milčinski, G., & Fritz, S. (2019). The LandSense Engagement Platform: Connecting citizens with earth observation data for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring. In: Living Planet Symposium 2019, 13-17 May 2019, Milan, Italy.

Wannemacher, K., Birli, B., Sturn, T., Stiles, R., Moorthy, I., See, L. , & Fritz, S. (2018). Using Citizen Science to Help Monitor Urban Landscape Changes and Drive Improvements. Journal for Geographic Information Science-GI_Forum 1 336-343. 10.1553/giscience2018_01_s336.