AgroTutor provides highly specific and timely agricultural recommendations to farmers across Mexico and complements the work of local extension agents. Although most of the benchmarking information provided in the app is specific to Mexico, some of the functionalities can be used anywhere in the world. Give it a try!

AgroTutor is a crowdsourcing application designed for agricultural producers. It provides benchmarking data targeted at the location of a cropping plot.
The current version of the AgroTutor benchmarking data set includes potential yield, historical costs, agricultural recommendations, and marketing prices for Mexican farmers. It also provides weather forecasts worldwide.
In AgroTutor, a farmer can store many agricultural plot locations worldwide, delineate them over satellite imagery, as well as record all management activities performed, including, for example, planting, weeding, irrigation, harvesting, post-harvesting and marketing, including the ability to record dates, quantities, costs, and prices. Currently, the full set of benchmarking data are available for Guanajuato, Mexico, although weather forecast, plot locations, plot delineation and recording of activities can be done anywhere in the world.

Source: AgroTutor App
The application was developed by the IIASA-Austria as a collaboration with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT-Mexico) to support extension agents and Mexican farmers. IIASA is currently redesigning the application to enhance its functionality and gear it towards becoming a decision support system to be used anywhere in the world. AgroTutor is available as an Android and Apple application.
Laso Bayas, J.C. , Gardeazabal, A., Karner, M., Folberth, C. , Vargas, L., Skalský, R. , Balkovič, J. , Subash, A., Saad, M., Delerce, S., Crespo Cuaresma, J., Hlouskova, J., Molina-Maturano, J., See, L. , Fritz, S. , Obersteiner, M. , & Govaerts, B. (2020). AgroTutor: A Mobile Phone Application Supporting Sustainable Agricultural Intensification. Sustainability 12 (22)
Laso Bayas, J.C. , Gardeazabal, A., Kerner, M., Vargas, L., Folberth, C. , Skalský, R. , Balkovič, J. , Declerce, S., Crespo Cuaresma, J., Hlouskova, J., Verhulst, N., See, L. , Fritz, S. , Obersteiner, M. , & Govaerts, B. (2019). AgroTutor: Promoting agricultural sustainable intensification and crowdsourcing plot information. In: ESA Living Planet Symposium, May 2019, Milan, Italy.