The International Data Week, which will take place on 23–26 October 2023, will bring together a global community of data scientists and data stewards; researchers from all domains; data, interoperability and informatics experts from all fields; industry leaders, entrepreneurs and policymakers. Dilek Fraisl and Ian McCallum from the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability will be participating.

The event is organised by the International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data System (WDS), and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and will be hosted by the University of Salzburg through its interdisciplinary Data Science group and the Geoinformatics department. It will take place in person and online. To learn more about the program and for registration, visit the International Data Week 2023 official website.

Research Scholar Dilek Fraisl from the Novel Ecosystems Data for Sustainability Research Group is a co-organiser and a speaker of the session ‘Modes of engagement across scales: Conceptualising equity in citizen-science data governance’ and Ian McCallum Research Group Leader and Senior Researcher will be moderating the session. 

This session aims to discuss the issues of equity in citizen-generated data governance, which involves different actors, purposes, and scales. Citizen-science data can be used for various policy goals, but also has implications for power, trust, and sustainability. The session will explore how the roles and relations of data producers and users affect the empowerment and transformation of the actors. It will also examine how the scale of data governance influences the quality and trustworthiness of the data. The session will produce a policy-practice briefing to help data actors apply the FAIR and CARE principles for their citizen-science data use case and scale.