IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment Program Director Keywan Riahi will talk about "Energy systems transformations towards sustainable development" at the annual Young Scientist Symposium at ISTA, Klosteneuburg


How we think of energy supply is rapidly changing – what are the challenges we are facing?

The annual Young Scientist Symposium aims to bring together all research disciplines of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) on one dedicated topic. This year’s topic is Energy.

For the first time, YSS will span two days, packed with exciting presentations from leading researchers across multiple disciplines, talking about the challenges and possible solutions concerning energy.

Riahi will talk about transformation pathways for the energy sector for reaching multiple sustainability objectives, including the goal of the UN Paris Agreement to hold warming well below 2°C and pursue limiting it to 1.5°C, on Thursday, 20 October at 10:10.


  • 09:00    09:20    WELCOME
  • 09:20    10:10    Electricity Demand-Response, René Aïd
  • 10:10    11:00    Energy Systems Transformations towards Sustainable Development, Keywan Riahi
  • 11:00    11:20    COFFEE BREAK
  • 11:20    12:10    Current Challenges in Halide Perovskite Solar Cells, Mónica Lira-Cantú
  • 12:10    13:00    The Role of Advanced Nuclear Power Technologies in the Energy Mix, Aline des Cloizeaux
  • 13:00    14:30    LUNCH
  • 14:30    15:20    It’s Innovation, stupid! How RTD Shapes Austria’s Way to Climate Neutrality, Theresia Vogel
  • 15:20    16:10    Nuclear Fusion Research: Present Status and Perspectives, Georg Harrer
  • 16:10    16:30    COFFEE BREAK
  • 16:30    17:30    Special Session: Sustainable Mental Energy, Hilde Janssens and Samira Baig
  • 17:30    Open    SNACKS & DRINKS


YSS 2022 is planned as an on-site event at the ISTA, however a live stream via Zoom will be also provided to allow for easy remote participation. See the participation page for more information.

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