The Energy, Climate, and Environment Program Director Keywan Riahi gives a lecture on the theme "Zero emissions: Can the climate still be saved?"

Can the climate still be saved? WV 23.11. riahi © Wiener vorlesungen

This Vienna lecture highlights possible transformation paths to climate neutrality. How much time we have left and which climate risks can still be avoided depends on how quickly we can structurally change central systems such as energy, food, mobility and industry.

The presentation will highlight the role of different sectors and world regions to realize a future net-zero carbon emissions system. Technological, organizational and behavioral innovations on the demand side play a special role here in order to reduce energy and material requirements.

The resulting transformation would not only bring benefits for the environment, but is also economically more attractive and socially fairer in the long term.

Null Emissionen - Ist das Klima noch zu retten?

Diese Wiener Vorlesung findet live am 23. November 2022 um 19 Uhr statt.
Ort: Brotfabrik Wien, Ankersaal, Absberggasse 27, 1100 Wien

Vortrag von
Keywan Riahi, Leiter des Energieprogramms des Internationalen Instituts für angewandte Systemanalyse (IIASA)

Anschließendes Gepspräch mit
Andreas Januskovecz, Bereichsleiter für Klimaangelegenheiten und Forstdirektor der Stadt Wien

Marlene Nowotny, Wissenschaftsjournalistin und Redakteurin bei Ö1

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