IIASA Director General Albert van Jaarsveld and Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation research group leader, Piero Visconti will participate in this annual community event focusing on biodiversity, organized by the municipality of Laxenburg.

As a Climate Alliance community in Austria, the municipality of Laxenburg strives to raise awareness about climate issues. The Laxenburg Environment and Climate Day brings together local residents and regional stakeholders to discuss environmental topics and exchange information.

“We are delighted to be a part of this important Laxenburg event and to work with the municipality and our local community in their commitment to positive climate action,”

Event program:

17:00 Kasperltheater "Grandma's Magical Garden"

17:30-19:00 Presentations

Opening by David Berl, Mayor of Laxenburg and IIASA Director General Albert van Jaarsveld

Project presentation by the Climate Alliance Kindergarten and Elementary School

Lecture by Nature in the Garden: Gardens for Butterflies, Bees, Bumblebees & Co by Petra Hirner

Introduction to biodiversity research at IIASA by Piero Visconti, IIASA Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation Research group leader

Current environmental projects of the municipality of Laxenburg, including the redesign of the Kaisergarten and Johannesplatz

Discussion and joint conclusion

Flyer in German

Upcoming Events

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) & Online

German IIASA Networking Event: "Systems analysis for a sustainable and peaceful future"

Online and Austrian Academy of Sciences (Doktor-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, Vienna)

Sustainable Agency to Navigate the Anthropocene

Laxenburg, Austria

Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2024