Ian McCallum and Steffen Fritz from the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group will be attending the international scientific workshop 'The future of land monitoring – technologies, trends, transparency?' within the Transparent Monitoring project, which aims to shed light on ongoing developments and trends, that are likely to shape transparent monitoring approaches in the future.

An unprecedent amount of data is currently generated and made available for assessing land use dynamics, which has also led to the development of several tools for data analysis for specific purposes. This large amount of information causes confusion, competing definitions and misinterpretation. Users rely on access to a diversity of inter-operable approaches, datasets, and initiatives. Such approaches, referred to as transparent monitoring approaches, can help to detect, anticipate, and resolve potential conflicts or discrepancies between datasets. The purpose of this scientific workshop is to look into ongoing developments and trends, that can be in favor of buiding and structuring monitoring approaches in fututre. This includes e.g.:

  • consolidation of global GHG estimates and national reporting and accounting,
  • recent advancements in the field of earth observation and data technology,
  • the use of digital tools in community and participatory monitoring.

The expected output of the workshop will be a short paper summarizing the key developments in the field of land monitoring and presenting key messages for practitioners of transparent monitoring from science, policy, industry, and civil society.

You can join this event as participant, see the program here.