This is the kick-off meeting of the HEU project MultiFutures, the 10 partners of the project will come together for 1,5 days to discuss the workplan for the project in the next 12 months.

In a world grappling with the urgency of climate change and social inequality, traditional policy frameworks often fall short. The need for innovative solutions to foster sustainable societies has never been more pressing. In this context, the EU-funded MultiFutures project aims to integrate alternative economic paradigms into the transition scenarios. By doing so, the project pioneers innovative solutions. Specifically, it will use AI language tools, stakeholder engagement, and a citizen survey to map, quantify, and refine alternative futures. This approach enables policymakers to navigate trade-offs, address negative impacts, and implement policies aligned with climate-neutrality, justice, and resilience. Overall, MultiFutures equips decision-makers with a robust understanding of alternative paradigms, offering a diverse toolkit for progress. 

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