IIASA demographer and former Population and Just Societies program director Raya Muttarak is invited to speak at the Future of Population Growth Session of the Future of the World Global Policy Dialogues

In line with efforts by the United Nations Secretary-General’s to enhance global preparedness for future challenges and crises, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) is hosting a six-part series of global policy dialogues on the Future of the World in 2021 and 2022. The purpose of the series is to share insights and experiences that can help reduce future risks and build our collective resilience. Coordinated measures for improved preparedness, implemented across all levels of government in partnership with stakeholders, are essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

In the current 6th session experts on global population growth and its social, economic and environmental impacts will review the linkages between global population growth and the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. Speakers will examine the latest findings from UN DESA’s new report, Global Population Growth and Sustainable Development, which will be launched at the event.

Dr. Muttarak will participate in the expert discussion on population, environment and climate change.

Dr. Muttarak's research focuses mainly on the reciprocal relationship between population and the environment. Her current research projects include differential impacts of climate variability on human health, migration, and child welfare; climate change attitudes, voting patterns, and environmental behaviors; and modeling and forecasting future vulnerability and adaptive capacity.

For more information about the event visit organizer's website

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