
African people collecting recyclables from trash.

15 April 2024

Collaborating to devise a strategy for organic waste management in Uganda

IIASA researchers are participating in a new project kicking off in Uganda this week, in which IIASA and a number of international partners will work with Ugandan stakeholders to co-develop a national strategy for organic waste management in the country.
Fishermen casting a net in Lake Victoria at a bright sunset. Uganda

03 October 2023

Enhancing knowledge and capacity on water quality in Uganda

Deteriorating water quality poses major threats to human health, economic development, and local ecosystems in Uganda. The Ugandan government is working with international scientists to build up knowledge and enhance institutional capacity for better water quality management, as well as improve the understanding of water quality status in the country. 


Groundwater for Advancing Resilience in Africa (G4DR)

Uganda Lanscape

Sustainable water quality management supporting Uganda’s development ambitions (SWAQ-Uganda)


Uganda Sector Strategy for Organic Waste Management (SOWU)