The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2020-2024
Publications co-authored with institutions in Namibia
Publications by IIASA researchers from Namibia
Projects related to Namibia
Name | Start | End Sort ascending | Abbreviation | Classification |
CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX | 2023 | 2027 | CLIMAAX | Global |
CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX | 2023 | 2027 | CLIMAAX | Global |
Socioeconomic Pathways, Adaptation and Resilience to Changing CLimate in Europe | 2023 | 2027 | SPARCCLE | Global |
Socioeconomic Pathways, Adaptation and Resilience to Changing CLimate in Europe | 2023 | 2027 | SPARCCLE | Global |
Integrated Design of the Components of the Energy System to Plan the Uptake of Renewable Energy Sources | 2023 | 2027 | iDesignRES | Global |
Integrated Design of the Components of the Energy System to Plan the Uptake of Renewable Energy Sources | 2023 | 2027 | iDesignRES | Global |
Financial instruments for carbon removal obligations | 2024 | 2027 | FINCRO | Global |
Financial instruments for carbon removal obligations | 2024 | 2027 | FINCRO | Global |
Bridging current knowledge gaps to enable the UPTAKE of carbon dioxide removal methods | 2023 | 2027 | UPTAKE | Global |
Bridging current knowledge gaps to enable the UPTAKE of carbon dioxide removal methods | 2023 | 2027 | UPTAKE | Global |
Projects sponsored by funders from Namibia
Number of times participants from Namibia joined IIASA events

22 March 2021
The value of cooperation for sustainable development in transboundary river basins
Can cooperation across sectors and countries help to achieve sustainable development? How do stakeholders in the Indus and Zambezi basins envision the future and how can they make that future a reality? IIASA researchers looked into these questions as part of a large-scale initiative with international partners.