The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2020-2024
Publications about Lithuania
Title | Type | Publisher | Date Sort ascending | Journal |
Forest Biodiversity, Carbon Sequestration, and Wood Production: Modeling Synergies and Trade-Offs for Ten Forest Landscapes Across Europe | article | Frontiers | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
Publications co-authored with institutions in Lithuania
Title | Type | Publisher | Date Sort ascending | Journal |
Fragility and the effect of international uncertainty shocks | article | Elsevier | Journal of International Money and Finance | |
Forest Biodiversity, Carbon Sequestration, and Wood Production: Modeling Synergies and Trade-Offs for Ten Forest Landscapes Across Europe | article | Frontiers | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | |
Expansion of sustainability science needed for the SDGs | article | Nature Sustainability | ||
Cohort profile: The Ageing Trajectories of Health – Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies (ATHLOS) project | article | Oxford University Press | International Journal of Epidemiology | |
Forest decision support systems for the analysis of ecosystem services provisioning at the landscape scale under global climate and market change scen | article | Springer | European Journal of Forest Research |
Publications by IIASA researchers from Lithuania
Projects related to Lithuania
Name | Start | End Sort ascending | Abbreviation | Classification |
European Union BIOdiversity and CLIMate strategies Assessment | 2020 | 2022 | EU-BIOCLIMA | Multi-Regional / Country |
Macroeconomic Modelling of Indirect Risks for Climate Risk Management | 2019 | 2022 | MacroMode | Global |
Medium Complexity Earth System Risk Management | 2019 | 2022 | ERM | Global |
Delivering Incentives to End Deforestation: Global Ambition, Private/Public Finance, and Zero-Deforestation Supply Chains | 2016 | 2021 | ZDSC | Global |
IPCC 6th Assessment Report Review - Chapters review | 2020 | 2021 | IPCC Chapters | Global |
Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach | 2015 | 2021 | CRESCENDO | Global |
Citizen Science for the SDGs | 2020 | 2021 | CS4SDGs | Global |
OECDLand: Develop Part Of The Outlook Model To Better Represent Land Use By Using A Forest And Other Landuse Meta- Model | 2020 | 2021 | OECDLand | Global |
Science-based silviculture: Ecophysiological modelling for process understanding and improved management | 2020 | 2021 | Silviculture II | Global |
Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations | 2020 | 2021 | EDITS | Global |
Projects sponsored by funders from Lithuania
IIASA staff visits to Lithuania
- Women
- Men
- Unknown
Total number of alumni from Lithuania

14 February 2025
Strengthening citizen science and sustainability monitoring in Europe
Researchers from the IIASA Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability (NODES) Research Group are part of the newly launched RIECS-Concept (Towards A Pan-European Research Infrastructure for Excellent Citizen Science), a project designed to develop a conceptual framework for a pan-European citizen science research infrastructure. The initiative aims to enhance the role of citizen science in data collection, validation, and policy engagement, ensuring long-term sustainability and broader participation in scientific research across Europe.
02 October 2023
Feasible futures
Policy Brief #41, October 2023. Embracing the notion of feasibility, this research shows that the world will probably overshoot
1.5°C, largely owing to low institutional capacity. Energy demand reduction and electrification are two options to turn down the heat, and addressing weak institutions is crucial.

28 November 2022
Standardizing migration data in Europe
Options Magazine, Winter 2022: Researchers illustrated the discrepancies in migration flow statistics across Europe to help standardize data and better understand migration patterns.