The following statistics are from the last 5 full calendar years: 2020-2024


Publications about Afghanistan
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Publications co-authored with institutions in Afghanistan
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Projects related to Afghanistan
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  • Women
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Total number of alumni from Afghanistan
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The Indus basin: untapped potential for long-term energy storage

20 July 2021

The Indus basin: untapped potential for long-term energy storage

Hydropower has massive potential as a source of clean electricity, and the Indus basin can be a key player in fulfilling long-term energy storage demands across Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. IIASA researchers explored the role the Indus basin could play to support global sustainable development.
Rainbow over Victoria Falls on Zambezi River

22 March 2021

The value of cooperation for sustainable development in transboundary river basins

Can cooperation across sectors and countries help to achieve sustainable development? How do stakeholders in the Indus and Zambezi basins envision the future and how can they make that future a reality? IIASA researchers looked into these questions as part of a large-scale initiative with international partners.


05 December 2022

In pursuit of resilience at 1.5°C

Options Magazine, Winter 2022: How would your community cope if floods or wildfires raced through it? With a 1.5°C rise in global temperature drawing nearer, such crises become more likely, but it is hard to gauge how prepared communities are. Does everyone have savings in place? Could schools remain open? Do people know the flood drill?
In pursuit of resilience at 1.5degC

28 February 2021

Cooperation and joint investments are key to sustainable development in the Indus basin

Policy Brief #28, February 2021. Achieving sustainable development in the Indus basin will strongly depend on the capacity of riparian countries to realize the opportunities that arise when cooperation and joint investments across sectors and countries are embraced.