Systems analysis helps decision makers to find long-lasting solutions to the complex interconnected challenges they face.
Today, the world is facing increasingly complex and interlinked problems. These global problems require countries to cooperate to find solutions.
Systems analysis uniquely combines in-depth analysis of each element of a problem along with their dynamic and integrative parts using a variety of tools, such as mathematical modeling, scenarios and integrated assesments.
Systems thinking untangles multiple interactions, to identify synergies and minimize trade-offs leading to policies that have more effective outcomes, reduce risks and costs and avoid unintended consequences.
Benefits of Membership
IIASA members advance the field of systems analysis; apply systems analysis to complex problems that require an integrated, scalable, and neutral approach; and build a global network of scholars and practitioners dedicated to systems analysis.
In this way, IIASA members help decision makers find long-lasting solutions to the complex interconnected challenges they face.
In the short-term, membership of IIASA provides the following benefits:
- Members choose what IIASA does through setting the IIASA Research Strategy 2021-30 and collectively agreeing on how to invest members’ research contribution.
- IIASA gives preference to research partners from IIASA member countries or regions to collaborate in projects funded from members’ research contributions.
- IIASA gives preference to qualified candidates who are nationals of IIASA member countries or regions for research, visiting scholar, and staff positions as well as for places in its capacity development activities (e.g. YSSP and targeted post-doc programs). At least two-thirds of these positions and places are for nationals of member countries or regions.
- When IIASA researchers conduct a project of a particular country or region, at least two-thirds of these projects will have a footprint in member countries or regions.
Long-term membership of IIASA, provides members with significantly higher benefits through sustained development of systems analysis and its application, these include:
- The positive impact of IIASA research that advances knowledge, develops new research methods, and identifies evidence-based policies to benefit the economy, the environment and society.
- A cohort of system thinkers that have spent time at IIASA and returned to member countries and now serve in senior positions in research, government, and business.
- The transfer of technology from IIASA to member countries and regions in the form of models and research tools that are maintained and developed by in-country experts.