The pinnacle scientific award made by the institute recognizes IIASA scientists for an unwavering commitment to advancing the mandate of the institute and its work.

In November 2019, the IIASA Council established the IIASA Lifetime Achievement Award to recognize the commitment of an IIASA researcher to advancing systems analysis and integrated approaches in science, science-to-policy, and policymaking. The awardees are individuals who have proven to be true flagbearers of IIASA over the course of their careers and have guided the institute in its aspiration to deliver scientific excellence in pursuit of answers to some of the complex global and universal problems faced by humanity.

The awards are made to senior IIASA researchers of exceptional distinction after formal retirement. The following have received the IIASA Lifetime Achievement Award.

2024 Lifetime Achievement Award

2022 Lifetime Achievement Award

The IIASA Council awarded in November 2022, Professor Warren Sanderson and Professor Anatoly Shvidenko the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award

Both Professor Sanderson and Professor Shvidenko served IIASA with distinction over most of their respective research careers. They were both research leaders in their fields (population and forestry research, respectively) and have contributed significantly to the advancement of systems analysis and its application to universal problems faced by humanity as well as to research training of young researchers and YSSP participants at IIASA.