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Yusuke Satoh

Guest Research Scholar

Water Security Research Group

Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program


Dr. Yusuke Satoh has been a research scholar with IIASA’s Water (WAT) Program since January 2015. He participates in the Water Future and Solutions Initiative (WFaS) and a recently launched IIASA Nexus project, as a hydrologist. Employing hydrological models and their databases, he develops and improves methods for assessing the water availability and demand balance, and the impact of climate and socio-economic change at various spatial scales. Within the WFaS, he has worked on an assessment of the Asian water future as a consultant to the Asian Development Bank and contributed to their Asian Water Development Outlook 2016. In the Nexus project, he works on the development of the Community Water Model.

Dr. Satoh completed his BS degree at the civil engineering department of the University of Hokkaido, where he worked on an assessment of virtual water trade with an IO analysis. He received his MS degree from the University of Tokyo, where he worked on an impact assessment of land use change on regional scale precipitation. Dr. Satoh graduated from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 2014, and holds a PhD in Civil Engineering (Hydrology). His PhD research investigated the impact of the water resource management on projected future changes in drought on a global scale. He is acquainted with hydrological modeling and manipulating large datasets as a result of his experience with e.g. the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP) in which he takes part using the MATSIRO land surface model. Following completion ofhis doctoral degree, he worked for six months as postdoctoral researcher at the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute in Japan.

Last update: 15 NOV 2016


Guo, Q., Zhou, X., Satoh, Y., & Oki, T. (2022). Irrigated cropland expansion exacerbates the urban moist heat stress in northern India. Environmental Research Letters 17 (5) e054013. 10.1088/1748-9326/ac64b6.

Gudmundsson, L., Boulange, J., Do, H.X., Gosling, S.N., Grillakis, M.G., Koutroulis, A.G., Leonard, M., Liu, J., Müller Schmied, H., Papadimitriou, L., Pokhrel, Y., Seneviratne, S.I., Satoh, Y., Thiery, W., Westra, S., Zhang, X., & Zhao, F. (2021). Globally observed trends in mean and extreme river flow attributed to climate change. Science 371 (6534) 1159-1162. 10.1126/science.aba3996.

Pokhrel, Y., Felfelani, F., Satoh, Y., Boulange, J., Burek, P. , Gädeke, A., Gerten, D., Gosling, S.N., Grillakis, M., Gudmundsson, L., Hanasaki, N., Kim, H., Koutroulis, A., Liu, J., Papadimitriou, L., Schewe, J., Müller Schmied, H., Stacke, T., Telteu, C.-E., Thiery, W., Veldkamp, T., Zhao, F., & Wada, Y. (2021). Global terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climate change. Nature Climate Change 11 226-233. 10.1038/s41558-020-00972-w.

Reinecke, R., Müller Schmied, H., Trautmann, T., Andersen, L.S., Burek, P. , Flörke, M., Gosling, S.N., Grillakis, M., Hanasaki, N., Koutroulis, A., Pokhrel, Y., Thiery, W., Wada, Y. , Satoh, Y., & Döll, P. (2021). Uncertainty of simulated groundwater recharge at different global warming levels: a global-scale multi-model ensemble study. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (2) 787-810. 10.5194/hess-25-787-2021.

Satoh, Y., Shiogama, H., Hanasaki, N., Pokhrel, Y., Boulange, J.E.S., Burek, P. , Gosling, S.N., Grillakis, M., Koutroulis, A., Müller Schmied, H., Thiery, W., & Yokohata, T. (2021). A quantitative evaluation of the issue of drought definition: a source of disagreement in future drought assessments. Environmental Research Letters 16 (10) e104001. 10.1088/1748-9326/ac2348.