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Victor Maus

Research Scholar

Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group

Advancing Systems Analysis Program


Victor Maus joined IIASA in September 2016 and is currently a research scholar in the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group of the IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis Program. In addition to his work in geoinformatics at IIASA, he is also a researcher at the Institute for Ecological Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria.

His research on machine learning focuses on new methods and algorithms for remote sensing; contributing to improving global land cover information. He is the author of the Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping (TWDTW) algorithm for satellite image time series classification, available in the R package dtwSat.

Maus received his PhD from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil, focusing on satellite image time series analysis and land cover changes in the Brazilian Amazon. Before joining IIASA, he worked on Big Earth Observation Data Analytics at the Institute for Geoinformatics (IFGI) at the University of Munster in Germany. In 2013, he participated in the IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP).

Last update: 29 JUN 2022


Maus, V. , Giljum, S., Gutschlhofer, J., da Silva, D.M., Probst, M., Gass, S.L.B., Luckeneder, S., Lieber, M., & McCallum, I. (2020). A global-scale data set of mining areas. Scientific Data 7 (1) 10.1038/s41597-020-00624-w.

Stanimirova, R., Arévalo, P., Kaufmann, R.K., Maus, V. , Lesiv, M. , Havlik, P. , & Friedl, M.A. (2019). Sensitivity of Global Pasturelands to Climate Variation. Earth's Future 7 10.1029/2019EF001316.

Bruckner, M., Wood, R., Moran, D., Kuschnig, N., Wieland, H., Maus, V. , & Börner, J. (2019). FABIO—The Construction of the Food and Agriculture Biomass Input–Output Model. Environmental Science & Technology 53 (19) 11302-11312. 10.1021/acs.est.9b03554.

Bruckner, M., Häyhä, T. , Giljum, S., Maus, V. , Fischer, G., Tramberend, S. , & Boerner, J. (2019). Quantifying the global cropland footprint of the European Union’s non-food bioeconomy. Environmental Research Letters 14 e045011. 10.1088/1748-9326/ab07f5.

Maus, V. , Camara, G., Appel, M., & Pebesma, E. (2019). dtwSat: Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping for Satellite Image Time Series Analysis in R. Journal of Statistical Software 88 (5)