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Stefan Frank

Senior Research Scholar

Integrated Biosphere Futures Research Group

Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program


Stefan Frank joined the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in January 2011. Since then, he has contributed to the development of the institute’s Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) and was the main developer of the European version of the model, which subsequently became one of the reference tools used by the European Commission for energy- and climate policy related impact assessments on the land-use sector.

His main research topics focus on land-based mitigation, bioenergy potentials, and foresight exercises including synergies or trade-offs with the Sustainable Development Goals. He is also coordinating and further developing the integration of the GLOBIOM model with Integrated assessment Models for the comprehensive economy-wide assessment of ambitious climate stabilization pathways, which regularly underpin the foresight chapters in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s reports. He is currently coordinating activities around GLOBIOM code consolidation with a view on making it openly accessible. He is the principal investigator on several international EU research and tender projects, where he leads the IIASA Integrated Biosphere Futures Research Group’s contribution to key European Commission policy impact assessments such as the 2030 Energy and Climate targets or the EU’s long-term strategy towards carbon neutrality.

Frank holds a PhD in agricultural economics from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna and a master’s degree from the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Last update: 09 DEC 2021


Esmeijer, K., den Elzen, M., Gernaat, D., van Vuuren, D., Doelman, J., Keramidas, K., Tchung-Ming, S., Despres, J., Schmitz, A., Forsell, N., Havlik, P. , & Frank, S. (2018). 2 °C and 1.5 °C scenarios and possibilities of limiting the use of BECCS and bio-energy. PBL Publishers , The Hague, Netherlands.

Willaarts, B. , Langan, S. , Balkovic, J. , Burek, P. , Byers, E. , Deppermann, A., Frank, S. , Gidden, M. , Greve, P., Havlik, P. , Kahil, T. , Krey, V. , Magnuszewski, P., Mayor Rodriguez, B., Palazzo, A. , Parkinson, S. , Poblete Cazenave, M., Riahi, K. , van Dijk, M., Vinca, A. , & Wada, Y. (2018). Integrated Solutions for Water, Energy and Land Progress report 3. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) , Laxenburg, Austria.

Schelhaas, M.-J., Nabuurs, G.-J., Verkerk, P.J., Hengeveld, G., Packalen, T., Sallnäs, O., Pilli, R., Grassi, G., Forsell, N., Frank, S. , Gusti, M., & Havlik, P. (2017). Forest Resource Projection Tools at the European Level. In: Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability. Eds. Barreiro, S., Schelhaas, M.-J., McRoberts, R.E., & Kändler, G., pp. 49-68 Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-56201-8 10.1007/978-3-319-56201-8_4.