Robert Sander profile picture

Robert Sander

Research Software Developer

Pollution Management Research Group

Energy, Climate, and Environment Program


Robert Sander is a Research Scholar with IIASA's Energy, Climate, and Environment Program (ECE) Program (previously Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases Program). He first came to IIASA in 2005 as a Research Assistant to work with the former Atmospheric Pollution and Economic Development (APD) Program.

Since 1998, Mr. Sander has joined several companies to improve his software skills (hard and software development, client server applications, industrial automation of waste water, and water supply systems).

In 2002 Mr. Sander started studying computer simulation at the University of Applied Science in St. Polten, completing his studies with the receipt of an academic degree and title of Dipl.-Ing. (FH) (equivalent to MSc) in 2006.

At IIASA's Pollution Management (PM) group, he is involved in the design and development of Web and database-oriented parts of the GAINS applications.

Last update: 08 APR 2021
