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Peter Burek

Senior Research Scholar

Water Security Research Group

Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program


Peter Burek graduated in 1997 with an MSc in Applied Physical Geography with focus on hydrology at the University of Trier (Germany).In 2003, he received his PhD in engineering science from the Institute of Water Resources Management, Hydraulic and Rural Engineering, University of Karlsruhe (Germany) on the topic "Assessment of long term groundwater dynamics at the example of the River Elbe".

From 2003 to 2009, Dr. Burek worked at the Federal Institute of Hydrology of Germany to maintain and improve the water level forecasting system WAVOS, which is still in use for navigation and flood forecasting at several forecasting centers for the rivers Rhine, Odra and Elbe.

In 2009, he joined the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, where his main tasks were the maintenance and further development of the LISFLOOD hydrological model for the European and the Global Flood Awareness System (EFAS and GloFAS). Impact assessment for policy support on regional but also on a global scale is becoming more and more important. Therefore Dr. Burek extended the LISFLOOD model to incorporate climate, land use and socio-economic aspects in order to evaluate the implications for water resources availability.

Dr. Burek joined IIASA's Water Program (WAT) in June 2015. His main field of interest is hydrological modelling but with a strong focus on integrated modeling to fit into IIASA's integrated assessments.

Last update: 03 JUN 2015


Burek, P. , Carstensen, D., Kopp, T., Rademacher, S., Schmidt, C., Schwarze, R., & Wagner, M. (2016). Kopplung der hydrologischen und hydrodynamisch-numerischen Modelle LISFLOOD, WAVOS und SMS. In: Veränderung und Management extremer Hochwasserereignisse in großen Flussgebieten am Beispiel der Elbe. Eds. Schanze, J., Schwarze, R., Horlacher, H.-B., & Deilmann, C., pp. 73-82 Stuttgart: Schweizerbart Science Publishers. ISBN 978-3-510-65326-3

Burek, P. , Satoh, Y., Wada, Y. , Flörke, M., Eisner, S., Hanasaki, N., Tramberend, S. , Fischer, G., Kahil, T. , Wiberg, D., & Cosgrove, W. (2016). Looking at the spatial and temporal distribution of global water availability and demand. In: European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2016, 17–22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Burek, P. , Satoh, Y., Fischer, G., Kahil, M.T. , Scherzer, A., Tramberend, S. , Nava, L.F. , Wada, Y. , Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Hanasaki, N., Magnuszewski, P., Cosgrove, B., & Wiberg, D. (2016). Water Futures and Solution - Fast Track Initiative (Final Report). IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-16-006

See, L. , McCallum, I. , Liu, W. , Keating, A., Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Mochizuki, J. , Fritz, S. , Dugar, S., Arestegui, M., Szoenyi, M., Laso-Bayas, J.C. , Burek, P. , French, A., & Moorthy, I. (2016). The potential of crowdsourcing and mobile technology to support flood disaster risk reduction. In: European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2016, 17–22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Revilla-Romero, B., Beck, H.E., Burek, P. , Salamon, P., de roo, A., & Thielen, J. (2015). Filling the gaps: calibrating a rainfall-runoff model using a satellite-derived surface water extent. Remote Sensing of Environment 171 118-131. 10.1016/j.rse.2015.10.022.