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Miguel Poblete Cazenave

Research Scholar

Transformative Institutional and Social Solutions Research Group

Energy, Climate, and Environment Program


Miguel Poblete Cazenave is a research scholar with the Energy, Climate, and Environment Program (ECE) at IIASA. He has a PhD in Economics (2018) from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He also received a BSc degree in Engineering (2009) and an Industrial Engineering degree (2010) from the University of Santiago, Chile, as well as an MA degree in Economics from the University of Rochester (2012). He has previously worked for BBVA Research, first as Pensions Economist and later as Principal Economist in the Latin American Coordination.

His current research focuses on the development of structural models of individual and household behavior. At IIASA, his work is principally related to the modeling of clean energy access for households in developing countries, as well as other topics related to the socio-economic aspects of energy including inequality, poverty and health. He is the main developer of the current version of the MESSAGE-ACCESS model.

Last update: 12 APR 2021


Palazzo, A. , van Dijk, M. , Willaarts, B. , Magnuszewski, P., Mayor Rodriguez, B., Burek, P. , Kahil, T. , Tang, T. , Byers, E. , Pachauri, S. , Poblete Cazenave, M., Krisztin, T. , Riahi, K. , Krey, V. , Wada, Y. , Langan, S. , Obersteiner, M. , & Havlik, P. (2018). Integrated solutions for water, energy, and land nexus management the Zambezi Basin: stakeholder engagement and modeling. In: 3rd Zambezi Basin Stakeholders’ forum: Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus for Socio-Economic Benefits in the Zambezi River Basin, 8-9 October 2018, Lilongwe, Malawi.

McCollum, D., Zhou, W., Bertram, C., de Boer, H.-S., Bosetti, V., Busch, S., Despres, J., Drouet, L., Emmerling, J., Fay, M., Fricko, O. , Fujimori, S. , Gidden, M. , Harmsen, M., Huppmann, D. , Iyer, G., Krey, V. , Kriegler, E., Nicolas, C., Pachauri, S. , Parkinson, S. , Poblete Cazenave, M., Rafaj, P. , Rao, N. , Rozenberg, J., Schmitz, A., Schöpp, W. , van Vuuren, D., & Riahi, K. (2018). Energy investment needs for fulfilling the Paris Agreement and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Energy 3 (7) 589-599. 10.1038/s41560-018-0179-z.