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Michael Thompson

Guest Emeritus Research Scholar

Equity and Justice Research Group

Population and Just Societies Program


Originally a professional soldier, Michael Thompson studied anthropology (first degree and PhD at University College London, B.Litt at Oxford) whi9le also following a career as a Himalayan Mountaineer. (Annapurna South Face 1970, Everest Southwest Face 1975). His early research on how something second-hand becomes an antique (Rubbish Theory, 1979, Oxford University Press) led to work on the "energy tribes" (in various western think tanks), on risk, on Himalayan deforestation and sustainable development, on household product development (in Unilever), on global climate change, on technology and development, and on what might be called "the even newer Institutionalism" (e.g., Cultural Theory, co-authored with Richard Ellis and Aaron Wildvasky, 1990, West View).

Dr. Thompson is a Fellow at the James Marin Institute for Science and Civilization, University of Oxford and a Senior Researcher at the Stein Rokkan Centre for Social Research, University of Bergen, Norway. At IIASA he is affiliated with the Risk and Resilience (RISK) Program.

Last update: 02 MAY 2016


Schwarz, M. & Thompson, M. (1999). Human choice and climate change: Introducing the reflexive policymaker and the responsive citizen. In: Major Shifts in Societal Trends and Their Impact on Climate Change. Eds. Slob, A.F.L. & Hoorn, T.M.M. van, Technology and Policy: TNO Institute of Strategy.

Dake, K. & Thompson, M. (1999). Making ends meet, in the household and on the planet. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 12 (3) 427-436. 10.1080/13511610.1999.9968614.

Thompson, M. (1998). Global networks and local cultures: What are the mismatches and what can be done about them? In: Understanding the Impact of Global Networks on Local Social, Political and Cultural Values. Eds. Engel, C. & Keller, K., Baden-Baden: Nomos. ISBN 3-7890-6389-4

Douglas, M., Gasper, D., Ney, S., & Thompson, M. (1998). Human needs and wants. In: Human Choice and Climate Change. Vol. 1: The Societal Framework. Eds. Rayner, S. & Malone, E.L., Columbus: Battelle Press.