Mats Danielson profile picture

Mats Danielson

Senior Research Scholar

Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group

Advancing Systems Analysis Program


Mats Danielson joined the Cooperation and Transformative Governance (CAT) Research Group within the Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA) Program in 2021 as a Guest Senior Research Scholar. He is also a Full Professor in Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University. He is a former Dean of the Social Science Faculty and a former Vice President of External Relations and Innovation. He has a PhD from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden.

Danielson has been a researcher in the area of risk and decision analysis, especially within development of algorithms and procedures, for more than 20 years. He has further a long-time experience as an IT and management consultant, creating national-wide information systems.

Danielson is the author of around 200 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers on risk, decision analysis, and eGovernment.

Last update: 29 MAR 2021


Lakmayer, S., Danielson, M., & Ekenberg, L. (2023). Automatically Generated Weight Methods for Human and Machine Decision-Making. In: Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Theory and Applications. Eds. Fujita, H., Wang, Y., Xiao, Y., & Moonis, A., pp. 195-206 Cham, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-36819-6 10.1007/978-3-031-36819-6_17.

Cöster, M., Danielson, M., Ekenberg, L. , Gullberg, C., Titlestad, G., Westelius, A., & Wettergren, G. (2023). Digital Transformation. Understanding Business Goals, Risks, Processes, and Decisions. Open Book Publishers. ISBN 978-1-80511-060-6 10.11647/OBP.0350.

Svanberg, J., Ardeshiri, T., Samsten, I., Öhman, P., Neidermeyer, P.E., Rana, T., Semenova, N., & Danielson, M. (2022). Corporate governance performance ratings with machine learning. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 29 (1) 50-68. 10.1002/isaf.1505.

Ekenberg, L., Fasth, T., Koulolias, V., Larsson, A., Larsson, A., Danielson, M., Komendantova, N. , & Mihai, A. (2022). A Framework for COVID-19 Pandemic Intervention Modelling and Analysis for Policy Formation Support in Botswana. The International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions 15 (3)

Araújo, M., Ekenberg, L. , Danielson, M., & Confraria, J. (2022). A Multi-Criteria Approach to Decision Making in Broadband Technology Selection. Group Decision and Negotiation 31 (2) 387-418. 10.1007/s10726-021-09772-9.