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Katrin Kaltenegger


Pollution Management Research Group

Energy, Climate, and Environment Program


Katrin Kaltenegger works as a researcher in the Pollution Management Research Group of the IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment Program, where she focuses on various aspects of the nitrogen cycle and agricultural emissions. Projects she was and is involved in include the modeling of nitrogen flows in urban areas, analyzing and updating EU member states' current policies on agricultural emissions using the GAINS model, as well as modeling the non-linear response of N2O emissions on nitrogen input to soil surfaces.

She is a PhD candidate at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, focusing on soil surface nitrogen budgets at different scales. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental System Sciences with a focus on Physics, and a master's degree in Environmental System Sciences with a focus on Natural Sciences, both from the University of Graz. During the writing of her theses, she discovered a passion for transdisciplinary work and modeling, which brought her to IIASA in 2018.

Last update: 23 OCT 2023


Winiwarter, W. , Amon, B., Bai, Z., Greinert, A., Kaltenegger, K. , Ma, L., Myszograj, S., Schneidergruber, M., Suchowski-Kisielewicz, M., Wolf, L., Zhang, L., & Zhou, F. (2020). Urban nitrogen budgets: flows and stock changes of potentially polluting nitrogen compounds in cities and their surroundings – a review. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 17 (1) 57-71. 10.1080/1943815X.2020.1841241.

Theurl, M.C., Lauk, C., Kalt, G., Mayer, A., Kaltenegger, K. , Morais, T.G., Teixira, R.F.M., Domingos, T., Winiwarter, W. , Erb, K.-H., & Haberl, H. (2020). Food systems in a zero-deforestation world: Dietary change is more important than intensification for climate targets in 2050. Science of the Total Environment 735 e139353. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139353.

Kalt, G., Lauk, C., Mayer, A., Theurl, M., Kaltenegger, K. , Winiwarter, W. , Erb, K.-H., Matej, S., & Haberl, H. (2020). Greenhouse gas implications of mobilizing agricultural biomass for energy: a reassessment of global potentials in 2050 under different food-system pathways. Environmental Research Letters 15 (3) e034066. 10.1088/1748-9326/ab6c2e.