Jessica Jewell

Guest Research Scholar

Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group

Advancing Systems Analysis Program


Jessica Jewell is an Assistant Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in the Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Division of Physical Resource Theory (Sweden), an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Bergen (Norway) and a Guest Research Scholar in the IIASA Risk and Resilience (RISK) program. Her research focuses on identifying politically-feasible solutions to energy and climate challenges. She currently leads the Contractions project which aims to understand the historical precedents and future prospects of declining energy industries, particularly to meet global climate targets, funded by the Research Council Norway. She has published on energy transitions, energy security, nuclear energy, and fossil fuel phase-out in journals such as Nature, Nature Energy, and Energy Policy as well as popular-press pieces in the Economist and other outlets.

Dr. Jewell is a member of the editorial board of Energy Research and Social Science, Environmental Research Communications and the Routledge series on Energy Transitions. She was a contributing author in the IPCC WGIII fifth assessment report, a lead author in the Global Energy Assessment, a lead author of a report by the UN Secretary General's Task Force on the SE4All renewables and efficiency targets, and led the development of the IEA's model of short-term energy security (MOSES). She also served on the IIASA institutional reform Task Force. She holds a PhD from Central European University where she won a University-wide best dissertation award and an MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management (MESPOM) from a joint program between Central European University, University of Manchester and Lund University. Her first degree was from Brown University in Geology.

Last update: 21 JUN 2019