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Eva Hizsnyik

Guest Research Scholar

Water Security Research Group

Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program


Eva Tothne Hizsnyik has been dealing with the socioeconomic aspects of global environmental change for several years. Her research interests include: Applied research on the relationships between socioeconomic development and the natural environment to support policy analysis and policy advice for environmental management; exploring and analyzing linkages between climate, energy, food and water in the context of sustainable development. Her responsibilities have included data mining, updating and harmonizing databases for various ongoing research projects, and estimating and analyzing possible socioeconomic impacts of land use and land cover change.

Last update: 07 DEC 2017


Fischer, G., Teixeira, E. , Tothne Hizsnyik, E., & van Velthuizen, H.T. (2008). Land use dynamics and sugarcane production. In: Sugarcane Ethanol: Contributions to Climate Change Mitigation and the Environment. Eds. Zuurbier, P. & Vooren, J. van de, Netherlands pp.29-62: Wageningen Academic Publishers. ISBN 978-90-8686-090-6

Tol, R.S.J., Bohn, M., Downing, T., Guillerminet, M.L., Hizsnyik, E., Kasperson, R.E., Lonsdale, K., & Toth, F.L. (2006). Adaptation to five metres of sea level rise. Journal of Risk Research 9 (5) 467-482. 10.1080/13669870600717632.

Toth, F.L. & Hizsnyik, E. (2004). Assessing the Implications of Extreme Sea-level Rise - Part 1: Stakeholder Interaction Methodology in the ATLANTIS Project. Background paper prepared for the ATLANTIS Project sponsored by the European Commission under EVK-CT-2002-000138 [2004]

Toth, F.L. & Hizsnyik, E. (2004). Assessing the Implications of Extreme Sea-level Rise - Part 2: Two Pilot Designs for the ATLANTIS Stakeholder Workshops. Background paper prepared for the ATLANTIS Project sponsored by the European Commission under EVK-CT-2002-000138 [2004]

Toth, F.L., Cao, G.-Y., & Hizsnyik, E. (2003). Regional Population Projections for China. IIASA Interim Report. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: IR-03-042