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Aline Soterroni

Guest Research Scholar

Integrated Biosphere Futures Research Group

Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program


Aline Soterroni is currently a guest research scholar in the Integrated Biosphere Futures Research Group of the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program. Her background is in applied mathematics and computing with a special focus on optimization techniques for global optimization.

She joined the former IIASA Ecosystems Services and Management (ESM) Program as a research scholar in June 2016, but has been contributing to the development of the regional version of the GLOBIOM-Brazil model in the framework of the REDD-PAC project and the RESTORE+ project jointly carried out between IIASA and the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), since 2012. She worked on the harmonization of land use change data in the model, on the adaptation of model variables to capture Brazil's specificities, and on designing future scenarios of land use policy and climate change impacts for Brazil. In her current role at IIASA, she will contribute to further developing GLOBIOM-Brazil and other regional studies.

Soterroni holds master's and PhD degrees in Applied Computing from INPE.

Last update: 22 JUN 2021


Camara, G., Soterroni, A., Ramos, F., Carvalho, A., Andrade, P., Souza, R.S., Mosnier, A., Mant, R., Buurman, M., Pena, M., Havlik, P. , Pirker, J., Kraxner, F., Obersteiner, M. , Kapos, V., Affonso, A., Espindola, G., & Bocqueho, G. (2015). Modelling Land Use Change in Brazil: 2000–2050. NPE, IPEA, IIASA, UNEP-WCMC , São José dos Campos, Brasília, Laxenburg, Cambridge. 10.22022/REDD/08-2016.12115.