The latest news, research, and other resources produced by members of the IIASA community who are working to provide decision-makers with the information they need to address the COVID-19 crisis.




Contestabile, M., Srivastava, L., & Hackmann, H. (2021). A sustainable post-COVID future. Nature Sustainability 10.1038/s41893-021-00703-9.

Shan, Y., Ou, J., Wang, D., Zeng, Z., Zhang, S. , Guan, D., & Hubacek, K. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 and fiscal stimuli on global emissions and the Paris Agreement. Nature Climate Change 11 200-206. 10.1038/s41558-020-00977-5.

Janardhanan, N.K., Zusman, E., Hengesbaugh, M., Olsen, S., Lee, S.-Y., Akahoshi, K., Takai, E., Patdu, M.K., Nagatani-Yoshida, K., Bathan-Baterina, G., Espita-Casanova, D.M., Pederson, B., Amann, M., Klimont, Z. , Borgford-Parnell, N., Yamashita, K., Mars, K., Unger, C., Takemura, T., Mao, X., Xing, Y., Chae, Y., & Narayanan, B.G. (2021). Integrating Clean Air, Climate, and Health Policies in the COVID-19 Era: The Role of Co-benefits and the Triple R Framework. Asian Co-benefits Partnership

Caulkins, J.P., Grass, D., Feichtinger, G., Hartl, R.F., Kort, P.M., Prskawetz, A., Seidl, A., & Wrzaczek, S. (2021). The optimal lockdown intensity for COVID-19. Journal of Mathematical Economics 93 e102489. 10.1016/j.jmateco.2021.102489.

Zhang, H., Yan, J., Yu, Q., Obersteiner, M. , Li, W., Chen, J., Zhang, Q., Jiang, M., Wallin, F., Song, X., Wu, J., Wang, X., & Shibasaki, R. (2021). 1.6 Million transactions replicate distributed PV market slowdown by COVID-19 lockdown. Applied Energy 283 e116341. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.116341.