The World in 2050

The World in 2050 (TWI2050) is an international collaboration launched by IIASA with international partners that will involve almost all research programs at IIASA with a focus on deriving viable pathways for achieving all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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© Darius Strazdas | Dreamstime

This initiative was launched by IIASA, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the Stockholm Resilience Center, and the Earth Institute at Columbia University in support of the implementation of the SDGs. Using an integrated and systemic approach, TWI2050 aims to address the full spectrum of transformational challenges related to achieving the 17 sustainable development goals.

The objective is to provide the science and policy for achieving SDGs in an integrated manner so as to avoid potential conflicts among the 17 goals and reap the benefits of potential synergies for achieving them together. TWI2050 is establishing a partnership of the leading modeling and analytical teams from around the world, including major policy institutions, to analyze pathways to achieve the SDGs together.

Under the leadership of TNT researcher and IIASA Deputy Director Nebojsa Nakicenovic and with contributions by TNT’s Arnulf Grubler, Luis Gomez Echeverri, Keywan Riahi, Caroline Zimm, and Holger Rogner a detailed concept note for TWI2050 was developed in 2015 and the first project launch meeting was held at IIASA. The first meeting bringing together all major analytical teams will take place in early 2016 at IIASA.


Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden

Earth Institute, Columbia University, USA

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Last edited: 22 March 2016


Nebojsa Nakicenovic

Distinguished Emeritus Research Scholar Transformative Institutional and Social Solutions Research Group - Energy, Climate, and Environment Program

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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