Interactions between emission controls of air pollutants, long-lived greenhouse gases and short-lived climate pollutants

In 2014 the Mitigation of Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases (MAG) Program continued the analyses of the mitigation potentials and co-benefits of specific emission control options.

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There are important interactions between the emissions of air pollutants, long-lived greenhouse gases, and short-lived climate pollutants, and many of the available mitigation options affect multiple substances at the same time. MAG looked specifically at options for Asia [1] [2].

On the request of the European Parliament, MAG explored the co-benefits of the recently adopted EU climate policy on the clean air policy package proposed by the European Commission [3]. The interplay between was analyzed in a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [4].


[1] Zhang S, Worrell E, Crijns-Graus W, Wagner F, Cofala J (2014). Co-benefits of energy efficiency improvement and air pollution abatement in the Chinese iron and steel industry. Energy, 78:333-345 (15 December 2014) (Published online 31 October 2014).

[2] Lund MT, Berntsen TK, Heyes C, Klimont Z, Samset BH (2014). Global and regional climate impacts of black carbon and co-emitted species from the on-road diesel sector. Atmospheric Environment, 98:50-58 (December 2014) (Published online 14 August 2014).

[3] Amann M, Borken-Kleefeld J, Cofala J, Hettelingh J-P, Heyes C, Hoeglund-Isaksson L, Holland M, Kiesewetter G, Klimont Z, Rafaj P, Posch M, Sander R, Schoepp W, Wagner F, Winiwarter W (2014). The final policy scenarios of the EU Clean Air Policy Package. TSAP Report #11, V1.1a (Editor: M. Amann), DG-Environment of the European Commission, Belgium (November 2014).

[4] Rogelj J, Schaeffer M, Meinshausen M, Shindell DT, Hare W, Klimont Z, Velders GJM, Amann M, Schellnhuber HJ (2014). Disentangling the effects of CO2 and short-lived climate forcer mitigation. PNAS, 111(46):16325-16330 (18 November 2014) (Published online 3 November 2014).

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Last edited: 02 April 2015

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