Yiorgos Vittis profile picture

Yiorgos Vittis

Research Scholar

Exploratory Modeling of Human-natural Systems Research Group

Advancing Systems Analysis Program


McCarthy, N., Wu, C., Estabrook, A., Köberle, A., Obersteiner, M., Kenber, M., Chen, D., Gurgel, A., Hofmann, G., Humpenöder, F., Khabarov, N. , Popp, A., Stevanovic, M., & Vittis, Y. (2024). Brazil’s Cattle Sector Amidst Climate Transitions. Orbitas , Washington, DC.

McCarthy, N., Wu, C., Estabrook, A., Köberle, A., Obersteiner, M., Kenber, M., Chen, D., Dietrick, J.P., Gurgel, A., Hofmann, G., Humpenöder, F., Khabarov, N. , Popp, A., Stevanovic, M., & Vittis, Y. (2024). Brazil’s Soy Sector Amidst Climate Transitions. Orbitas , Washington, DC.

Mosnier, A., Javalera-Rincón, V. , Jones, S.K., Andrew, R., Bai, Z., Baker, J., Basnet, S., Boer, R., Chavarro, J., Costa, W., Daloz, A.S., DeClerck, F.A., Diaz, M., Douzal, C., Howe Fan, A.C., Fetzer, I., Frank, F., Gonzalez-Abraham, C.E., Habiburrachman, A.H.F., Immanuel, G., Harrison, P.A., Imanirareba, D., Jha, C., Jin, X., Ghosh, R.K., Leach, N., Lehtonen, H., Lotze-Campen, H., Low, W.S., Marcos-Martinez, R., McCord, G.C., Molla, K.G., Monjeau, A., Navarro-Garcia, J., Neubauer, R., Obersteiner, M. , Olguín, M., Orduña-Cabrera, F. , Pena, A., Pérez Guzmán, K. , Potashnikov, V., Rämö, Ja., Ramos, F.M., Rasche, L., Gallardo, R.R., Schmidt-Traub, G., Selomane, O., Singh, V., Smith, A., Soterroni, A.C., Sperling, F., Steinhauser, J. , Stevanovic, M., Strokov, A., Thomson, M., van Oort, B., Vittis, Y., Wade, C., Winarni, N.L., Woldeyes, F.B., Wu, G.C., & Zerriffi, H. (2023). A decentralized approach to model national and global food and land use systems. Environmental Research Letters 18 (4) e045001. 10.1088/1748-9326/acc044.

Vittis, Y., Mosnier, A., Garcia, J., & Obersteiner, M. (2023). Global agricultural costing model. 10.5281/zenodo.7701783.