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Dahlia Domian
Dalkhat Ediev
Dan Fiscus
Daniel Huppmann
Daniel Kroos
Daniela Weber
Darina Zlatanova
Data files
Data from Geo-Wiki Campaign on Built-up Surfaces
Data from Geo-Wiki Campaigns on Agricultural Field Size
Data from Geo-Wiki campaigns related to forests
Data from the Drivers of Tropical Forest Loss (2008 to 2019) Geo-Wiki Campaign
Data from the First Geo-Wiki Campaigns
Data from the Geo-Wiki Cropland Campaign
Data from the GROW Citizen Observatory
Data Visualization Workshop
Data-driven understanding of low-carbon lifestyles (LOW-AI)
Database of Exploited Fish Stocks
Database of Quantified Food Webs
David Campos Almeida
David Leclere
David McCollum
Days of Transformation
DDGS 2024
DDGS 2024 - all staff presentations
DDGS Search 2023
Dealing with global carbon debt
Dealing with higher fire frequencies in the alpine region
Debanwita Karabaczek
Decarbonizing India's road transportation brings major co-benefits, notably reducing air pollution
Decent living for all does not have to cost the Earth
Deciding to change
Decision Support for Forest Biodiversity Policy (BIOCONSENT)
DECIsion-making framework and Processes for Holistic Evaluation of enviRonmental and climate policies (DECIPHER)
Deepak Shah
Deepthi Swamy
Defense of the natural realm
Defense of the natural realm
Defining a safe and just space for people and planet
Demographic aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences
Demographic Consequences of COVID-19
Demographic crystal ball: What do experts think about future population dynamics?:
Demographic Data Sheets (DDS)
Demographic perspectives of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic
Demographic scenarios and healthy ageing policies
Demographic scenarios for the EU
Demographic theories. Repositioning the discipline at the core of social sciences
Demography and Education in Niger: A Prospective Analysis (DEMEDU-NIGER)
Demography matters: the human life from birth to death
Denise Watzenig
Der Standard: John Schellnhuber on exceeding the the two-degree target
Design Thinking (DT)
Designing a resilient and coherent Trans-European Network for Nature and People (NaturaConnect)
Designing effective multiple-objective energy, climate, and development policies
Designing robust policy pathways to support EU climate goals
Determining the relationship between rainfall and child stunting in India
Developing circular pathways for a EU low-carbon transition (CircEUlar)
Developing Digital Ecosystems Sustainably: Ecological Foundations of Antitrust (Eco-FAn)
Development of a collaborative, integrated management framework to improve future air quality in Northeast Asia (AQNEA)
Development of a global integrated assessment modeling system for climate-air pollutants management focused on Northeast Asia (GUIDE)
DGD Annual Conference 2023
Diamantis Koutsandreas
Die Presse: Climate researcher Schellnhuber: "We see nature as a warehouse and garbage dump"
Dieter Grass
Digital ALPTREES conference 2021
Digital platforms, fair competition and sustainability transformations: Plausible futures (DigFaSt)
Digitalization will transform the global economy
Dilek Fraisl
Dilek Yildiz
Dimiter Philipov
Dipak Gyawali
Dipesh Chapagain
Discussion on Redesigning Money for Sustainability
Discussion Series on Tipping Elements, Irreversibility, and Abrupt Change in the Earth System: How did climate influence the collapse of ancient civilizations?
Discussion Series on Tipping Elements, Irreversibility, and Abrupt Change in the Earth System: Human and Earth systems interlinkages
Discussion Series on Tipping Elements, Irreversibility, and Abrupt Change in the Earth System: Ice sheets
Discussion Series on Tipping Elements, Irreversibility, and Abrupt Change in the Earth System: Monsoon systems
Discussion Series on Tipping Elements, Irreversibility, and Abrupt Change in the Earth System: Oceans
Discussion Series on Tipping Elements, Irreversibility, and Abrupt Change in the Earth System: Permafrost
Discussion Series on Tipping Elements, Irreversibility, and Abrupt Change in the Earth System: Tipping towards positive social change
Discussion Series on ‘Tipping Elements, Irreversibility and Abrupt Change in the Earth System’: AMAZON
Discussion Series on ‘Tipping Elements, Irreversibility and Abrupt Change in the Earth System’: ICE SHEETS
Disease-Eradication Model
Distinguished Visiting Fellows
Distributional Implications of Climate-related Disasters (DIoD)
DK Fall School 2022 "Transformation to Climate Neutrality"
Dmitry Erokhin
Dmitry Shchepashchenko
Do business with us
Donghyun Kim
Dor Fridman
Draschestrasse High School to visit IIASA
Driving change from the ground up
Driving inclusive and green urban transitions
Dylan Bos
Dynamic Model of Multi-Hazard Mitigation Co-Benefits (DYNAMMICs)
Dynamic vegetation models: the next generation