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Qinhan Zhu


Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group

Advancing Systems Analysis Program


Qinhan Zhu joined the Systemic Risk and Resilience (SYRR) Research Group at IIASA in April 2021. His current work includes assessing the impact of climate change on the public and private financial system as part of the RECEIPT Project. In addition, Zhu is involved with the CatSim training program that aims to help colleagues at IIASA National Member Organizations devise public financing strategies to be implemented in both the pre- and post-disaster context.

Prior to coming to IIASA, Zhu studied international environmental governance during his bachelor’s degree in Beijing, China, and completed his master’s degree in environmental science at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. His research focused on climate change mitigation and measuring the environmental footprint of human activities. As he realized the limitations of pure mitigation, his research interests however shifted to climate risk. He has worked as an underwriter at AXA Climate and a consultant of InsuResilience Solutions Fund, where he evaluated the economic impact of tropical cyclones in Vietnam.

Apart from his current work on the RECEIPT Project, Zhu has a keen interest in systemic risk modeling and the Loss and Damage debate.

Last update: 21 MAY 2021


Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Zhu, Q., Ciullo, A., & Reiter, K. (2022). Research for REGI Committee – EU tools to respond to natural disasters. European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies , Brussels.