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Celian Colon

Peter E. DeJanosi Postdoctoral Research Scholar

Capacity Development and Academic Training Unit

Peter E. DeJanosi Postdoctoral Research Scholar

Exploratory Modeling of Human-natural Systems Research Group

Advancing Systems Analysis Program


Celian Colon is a postdoctoral research scholar in the Exploratory Modeling of Human-Natural Systems (EM) Research Group, within the IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA) Program. His research focuses on the modeling of systemic risks, resilience and tipping points in ecological and economical systems, using system dynamics, agent-based modeling, and complex networks.

One of Dr. Colon's recent achievements is the development of a tool that analyzes the criticality of a country's transport system to extreme events. The originality of this model is to integrate socioeconomic and supply chain data to fully evaluate the importance of transport links. This tool has been applied for the World Bank to Tanzania and Cambodia to prioritize investment.

Dr. Colon completed his PhD in Applied Mathematics with Prof. Michael Ghil at Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (2016), for a thesis entitled Modeling Economic Resilience. He holds an MSc in Environmental Technology and Policy from Imperial College London (2011), and graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique Paris, a multidisciplinary engineering school, in 2010. Dr. Colon participated in the IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) in 2015, with the former Ecology and Evolution and Advanced Systems Analysis Programs. He is associated with the World Bank and is chief data advisor for Lemon Tri, a startup company in the recycling business.

Last update: 05 MAR 2021
